Interviews on my book, The Weaponization of Loneliness
The Weaponization of Loneliness
There's a deeper purpose to the First Amendment: It Protects Your Right to a Private Life and Per...
Mask Mandates are a Means of Social Control Through Social Isolation
Do you Know of Films that Highlight the Effects of Social Isolation?
Theory: At some level street agitators know how ignorant they are
The Trap of the Mob Mindset
Margaret Thaler Singer on Cults and How Easily People Obey Them
Mass Conformity and the Weaponization of Loneliness
Here's a Try at some 2020 Foresight -- on Human Interaction
My FRC talk about Social and Emotional Programming, the latest fad in Education
The SPLC Scam
Bookcase: Robert Nisbet's "The Quest for Community"
The Transgender Movement is a Vehicle for Censorship and State Power
Iran's War on Dogs is Part of a War on All Personal Relationships
Our Gordian Knot, Part V
Our Gordian Knot, Part IV
The Supreme Court's Diktat on Marriage
Mulling over the Question: "Who is my Neighbor?"
Fifty Blobs of Grey