Following up on my post the other day in which I wrote about my Federalist piece “The Trans-Aged Deserve Equal Rights, too” I see that the idea is starting to get a bit more circulation. Last week, Newsday ran an essay by J Peder Zane, titled “If Gender is Fluid, What about Race and Age?” This sounds a bit like my headline a couple of years ago asking , “If We Can Pick Our Gender, Can We Pick Our Age? Our Race?” I do not understand why so few pundits and virtually no legislators are exposing the parallels here. We’re talking about self-definition, self-identification becoming a protected category in law, without regard to physical reality.
The premise of transgender law — that sex is not real, but simply “assigned at birth” — is a false premise intended to apply universally to everybody. As wild as that presumption is, I believe it’s actually a lot easier to accept the premise of being “age fluid.” I know I’m age fluid — in my mind. Isn’t everybody? Some days I’m 75, other days 16, and still others 32. The fact that age-identity non-discrimination would mess with our concept of time and the calendar should be irrelevant as long as our Administration is in the process of de-sexing all of society anyway. Right?
We ought to press this point while we still can. Seriously.