I’d like to share an article I wrote a little while ago for the Federalist about my take on pro-abortion men: Click here to read “Why Pro-Abortion Men are Anti-Woman.”
Anyone who can see the reality of sex distinctions understands that women are more emotionally invested in pregnancy than men. So it is undeniable that women are the biggest losers in a society that promotes casual sex. So who are the prime “beneficiaries” of abortion on demand? Women? Or the men who wish to use and then discard women?
Clearly, it’s the latter. The dirty little secret is that it wasn’t really grassroots women activists who got abortion legalized, though they carried the sound bites. A little history shows us that abortion on demand was really an operation from the top down. Establishment men were the ones who pushed hardest for it and made it happen. Elitist men in the courts and legislatures made it happen. Feminists? They basically ran cover for them right through the Roe v. Wade decision handed down by seven male Supreme Court justices in 1973. Oh, sure, these men would couch it all in terms of “women’s rights” and hold themselves up as champions of women. Very convenient. Big of them. Easy too, because their feminist allies were their subservient enablers.
Another point is that women have always polled consistently more pro-life than men. The margin may not be huge, but it’s a persistent gap.
In my article, I discuss a recent Vanity Fair piece that’s laid bare the wasteland of the hook-up culture spawned by our abortion culture. Many defend hooking up by claiming: “This is 2015 and things have changed.” I can only respond: “This is a total throwback to ancient times. And nothing has changed.” The Vanity Fair essay is hard to read with its descriptions of men and women using the Tinder app — which you can see in the ad above — obsessively looking for sex partners in the near vicinity.
But it was all so predictable: jerk men taking advantage of women who are clearly looking for intimacy but pretend they are not. The irony revealed by the Vanity Fair article is that the women hooking up don’t even enjoy the sex. And the men are so steeped in competing with other men for conquests — through the “wonders” of phone app technology — that in their 20’s and 30’s they have an epidemic of erectile dysfunction. It’s all so pointless and stupid, aside from being cruel and destructive.
“Abortion really makes you hate men,” is an apt quote from a college classmate after she told me about her abortion. This clarified for me that abortion is like Total Warfare on personal relationships. It’s all about separating us from one another. It severs the mother-child bond as well as the man woman bond. (The father-child bond was the first casualty.) The abortion mentality requires destructive coping mechanisms in which the women must emotionally separate themselves from the person of the child as well as from the father.
So much love has gone missing through the descent into our culture’s abortion mindset. People have lost so much respect for life, for others, and for themselves. Intimacy has become elusive for so many. And happiness? So much of it gone, in the name of “choice.”