I was honored to speak to the great Laura Ingraham recently about my book The Weaponization of Loneliness. She focused on a chilling development at the World Economic Forum in Davos. One of the WEF speakers promoted everyone's participation in the virtual reality of the "Metaverse." The Metaverse offers a repertoire of such experiences in 3-D. It was promoted at Davos under the guise of "equity" since it allows us all access to the same experiences. Except for the fact that they aren't real experiences.
In the Metaverse you can travel and meet others and buy and sell, no matter your location or status. The catch is that you're basically all alone when you do it. You don't have any real mobility, because your travel essentially takes place in your mind. Nothing there is tangible, though the sense of reality can be "augmented" through various accessories.
Ultimately, the WEF stands behind a future in which we are completely dependent upon a centralized globalist oligarchy for anything real. In the meantime, we can be subdued through the Metaverse which can act as an addiction. It is both dehumanizing and atomizing. You'll find a clip of the interview above. But you need to subscribe to Laura Ingraham's podcast on Quake media to hear it in full around the halfway mark at this link: https://quakemedia.com/episode/the-laura-ingraham-show-episode-194-featuring-stella-morabito/?type=show