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I refuse to be labelled "White." I am "racial non-conforming."

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

It’s been a long time since I checked a box for race when filling out a nosy form. I used to find the question merely annoying. Today I find it enormously hostile as well as hopeless. Think about what you’re being ordered to do when you “check the box.” You are commanded to allow a faceless bureaucracy to define who you are. What's your "color?" What's your “ethnicity?” And so on. Well, screw that.

Such questions are demeaning and dehumanizing because they obviously try to force us all into identity boxes. They insist you shut yourself into a darker time of history where you are pre-judged and demonized. Forever. I'd feel that way no matter what I looked like. To get a picture of how the "intersectionality" game works, take a look at this youtube video (which will likely be taken down for being politically incorrect) showing how people are "scored" according to their oppressor or victim status:

Let’s face it. If we are going to be living under a socialist/communist "Administration" we have to expect to be dehumanized through such pigeon-holing in more and more areas of life. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is the re-packaging of an ancient tactic that poisons human relationships by shoving people into roles of oppressor or victim -- or, today, the moniker “ally" which is intended to give "oppressors" a false sense of security.

One of the worst things about identity politics like CRT is how it serves to cultivate and enforce hostilities, especially where no antagonisms ever existed before. It worms its way into family relationships and friendships. Today we are being told that if you are defined as “white” you are automatically a racist whether you know it or not. There are no solutions, just false confessions. This is disastrous for any hope of a civil society, for any hope of goodwill or friendship. Don't play that game. The least we can do is to REFUSE to allow others to define who we are based on what we look like.

Refuse to check the box

So I refuse to identify as “white," and I hope you will too. I will also take to task anyone who casually insists I am “white.” I'll try to be polite, but I'll use their language and flatly state that I'm “racial non-conforming.”  I also reject any other classification such as “cis-gender” or “heteronormative” or any such bullshit.  It’s all poison intended to sow dehumanization and misery and loneliness in society.  No person of good will participates in such things, at least not if they are self-aware.   

The good news is that we are all human. We have names. We have unique personalities and experiences. If only we could clear the fog to see all of that. Or at least to WANT to see the real people behind the phony labels. I hope you will agree. Imagine how much more joy we could all take in life if we weren’t such pathetic navel-gazers. We could create real art. We could have real conversations. We could build things. We could make real friends. Love would prevail over the hostilities and fear. Isn't that what we all should want?

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