It's high time we recognize that mask mandates today amount to little more than a social engineering tactic. I'm not going to get into the uses of masks as a practical means of preventing people from getting spreading viruses. It's pretty clear that we're being played, that the goal posts keep moving and that our "experts" have determined that these measures are here to stay permanently, vaccine or no vaccine. You can read about the intention for permanent lockdowns here:
Many epidemiologists want us to wear these FOREVER, even if there's a vaccine.
I wrote up my take on mask mandates at the Federalist recently. They serve mainly to dehumanize us, to promote facelessness, estrangement, and more demoralizing isolation. All of this adds up to a boon for social control freaks. The more compliance they can extract from the population -- and the more divisions they can stoke by pitting us against one another -- the more control over us they accumulate. And that, of course, is the whole idea. You can read my piece here: Masks are Another Way to Control Society Through Isolation. Here's a short excerpt:
Masks are a form of social isolation, and humans cannot survive emotionally or even physically when they are forcibly separated from one another. You may ask, how are mask mandates isolating in the context of safety? After all, you can still go out in a mask. You can still speak through them. All that’s asked is that you wear masks to avoid spreading potential viral droplets from your breath to those around you. How is this isolating?
Even when medically necessary, mask mandates are isolating because facelessness is isolating. You don’t know — you can’t know — the person wearing the mask. The entire mood of masking is anti-relational and anti-friendship. Wearing a mask prohibits the communication of a smile and the clarity of expression. It gets us in the habit of wearing a flat affect underneath the mask.