complex problem is sometimes referred to as a Gordian Knot. You may know the Greek legend or myth in which an oracle prophesied that anyone who could undo the complex and intricate knot tied by King Gordius of Phrygia would rule all of Asia. Many tried and failed. But when Alexander the Great was confronted with it, he didn’t bother with convention. Legend has it that he stepped back and just sliced right through the knot with his sword. We sometimes call this kind of solution “thinking outside the box.”
I ponder this story as I consider how crazy and complicated our modern problems have become.
In my teen years at school we used to refer to the news as “current events.” Homework sometimes included looking at a newspaper or a network news program. Then there’d be a report to the class.
Fast forward to today and things are moving so fast and furious in unpredictable directions that “current events” seems an antiquated term. We have layers upon layers of crises that have congealed into a problem so humongous that it confronts us like a complex Gordian knot of cosmic proportions. How can the damage ever be undone? The past month alone contains enough angst and lunacy to last generations. We’ve seen the expose of Planned Parenthood’s racket in trafficking organs from aborted children, with graphic videos that give us a fresh perspective on the horrors and sorrows of abortion. Then we have the transgender hype being fed to us 24/7 by Hollywood and the media, with a ramped up campaign to push gender confusion hard onto school children.
And now that the Supreme Court has legally abolished marriage as a male-female institution, we are about to see the biggest piece of censorship legislation ever. It pretends to be an anti-discrimination bill and goes by the name “Equality Act.” The idea is to mete out punishment to anyone who doesn’t get with the agenda to re-program en masse our language and our thoughts. In particular, it aims to re-design everyone’s thoughts about personal relationships. That’s because ultimately all personal relationships emanate from organic marriage. How so? you may ask. Because that’s the union that produces citizens who build communities in which other personal relationships are spawned. Destabilize marriage and you’ve destabilized the basis for functioning families. Without functioning, autonomous families, we can’t have functioning and self-reliant communities. In the end, the State wins big.
But the landscape is becoming littered with more and more rabbit holes being dug on a daily basis by our government: data-mining, the replacement of personal medical care with medicine-by-bureaucracy, debilitating multi-trillion dollar debt, the cultivation of ignorance in the schools through enforced conformity by programs such as Common Core, the non-stop attacks on religion.
On the international scene, it’s just as much a Twilight Zone. We have the Obama Administration’s weird Iran deal that puts the world closer to war. At the same time, the White House turns a blind eye to the mass killings of Christians in the Middle East. The cult of ISIS marches on to replace the Rule of Law with Sharia Law. In the meantime, the Administration is intent on force-feeding the gay agenda on a global scale, including to under developed countries like Kenya where he lectured the leadership last month. The list goes on and on and on.
That, in a nutshell, is our Gordian Knot. To be continued . . .